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Wednesday 16th October 2024



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October 18, 2024, 09:31
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Grand Lodge Above



Olywn 'Ollie' Newton

19th September 1941 - 12th May 2024

‘Now then lad, let’s get you properly dressed!’ were Ollie’s words to the shy Entered Apprentice who hesitantly stood in the Lodge doorway at his first meeting after being initiated.

That Apprentice was me and it was the beginning of a long and warm friendship with W Bro Ollie Newton, an esteemed member and pillar of this Lodge for many years. He certainly guided and encouraged me on my Masonic journey.

Ollie was called to the Grand Lodge Above on May 12, 2024, after a life richly lived and generously shared.

Born on 19th September 1941, Ollie Newton was a proper Yorkshireman, an exceptional character full of compassion for others. He dedicated over forty years to Freemasonry, during which time he made sure that we did things the ‘Kingston Way!’

His unwavering commitment to Kingston Lodge and Chapter was evident in his actions and by the wisdom he imparted to fellow Brethren and Companions over the years. His leadership was instrumental in the development of many of us.

Ollie held numerous positions within the Lodge, including that of Master in 2002, but we remember him most as our Director of Ceremonies, a role he cherished and led for numerous years with precision and distinction.

He’d served on the Provincial Active Team and accrued several Provincial Honours both within the Craft and Chapter.

On top of that, he was also a long standing active member of the Board of Directors for this Hall, arranging much of the electrical upkeep of the building.

The loss of his wife Liz hit Ollie hard, leaving a great void in his life. and then following Covid, like many older members he was reluctant to socialise, and his attendance began to waver.

Sadly, Ollie was diagnosed with a terminal illness and while he was in Dove House Hospice, I was able to visit him; he was in good spirits, we reminisced, and he even talked about coming back to Kingston. As I got up to leave, we shook hands; he smiled and asked if I would do him a favour. ‘Name it Ollie’ I said. ‘Neil, when the time comes, would you do my eulogy?’

As we looked at each other we both knew we had come full circle, and it was now my turn to repay that kindness I received all those years ago.

Ollie was a good man and someone I regarded as a friend. as he rests in the Grand Lodge above, I, like many others will forever remember his legacy.

 Neil Armstrong - Secretary



John Reginald Bridger

1st January 1927 - 14th January 2024

Born in Hampstead in 1927, son of a surgeon at Guy’s Hospital London. John Reginald Bridger attended the prestigious independent Haberdashers Boys School and joined the OTC (Officers' Training Corps) leaving school after the devastating  Blitz of WW2.

He joined the Royal Horse Guards. He was due to be posted to Japan, but the war ended, and he was posted instead to Germany, where he played rugby and rode his cavalry hunter named ‘Pink Gin’.  Upon being demobbed, he hoped to train as a vet, however found himself in insurance;  with a choice of moving to Edinburgh or Hull, he settled on the latter.

 Serving in the Territorial Army as a Major he ultimately became Company Commander. He became an Insurance broker in partnershipship with Andrew's, Porter & Co, much later he left and set up his own firm. John went on many trips to Europe enjoying a very successful career. He was always easily identifiable as he constantly wore his bowler hat, carried a rolled umbrella, and wore brown leather gloves.

His love of rugby might had taken him on a different path. He played for the Old Boys and had a trial for the Harlequins. In the army, whilst at Windsor he asked if he could have a game and ended up playing for the Coldstream Guards against his own regiment; he scored the only try!

As for his Masonic career, he was initiated in the St. Laurence Lodge 5511 (Essex) in 1958, and upon his moving to Hull his father-in-law insisted he join Kingston 1010. He became Master of the Lodge in 1971.

W Bro Bridger is held in high esteem by brethren of the Marquess of Zetland Lodge 9349 (Yorks. N & ER), of which he was a member. He had also served under eight PGMs while living in Yorkshire.

In his heyday, John, as Provincial DC in the Royal Arch had been tasked by the then MEGS Ian Ross Bryce to arrange the consecration of the Beresford-Peirse Chapter at Bedale in 1988. There was no script available locally for such a ceremony, so together with the Provincial Organist Ex Comp Stuart Trout they created one from scratch; one which is still in use today. He was presented with the Grand Superintendent’s Certificate for Service to Royal Arch Masonry, an exceptional honour.

Past Provincial Grand Master Jeffrey Gillyon said of W Bro Bridger, “This man I commend to you all, he is a good man and Mason, as well as a friend.”

Neil Armstrong - Secretary

Bryan Everatt

13th July 1931 - 25th October 2023

Bryan passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 25th October 2023. He was 92 years old and had led until recently a very full and active life.

The term ‘a true gentleman’ is perhaps considered an old-fashioned expression, however Bryan was one in every sense of the word. A man who dedicated his life to helping others. Bryan was a kind and generous person who always put the needs of others before his own. He was a true humanitarian who believed in the power of charity and giving back to the community.

Bryan was a tireless advocate for those in need. He spent countless hours volunteering as Almoner of the Lodge, always striving to help any infirm Brethren, and supporting the Lodge Widows. His selflessness and dedication to helping others will be remembered by all who knew him.

Until the age of eighty-eight, despite his small stature he roared around on a large, high powered motorcycle. (I wouldn’t be able to lift such a machine onto its stand, let alone ride one!) He was a member of the Widows Sons Bikers Association who raise Masonic awareness through their presence and visibility at public motorcycle events and rallies.

He joined Kingston Lodge in 1997 and became Worshipful Master in 2003. He thoroughly enjoyed his Freemasonry and to quote one of our brothers, was  ‘a classic example of you get out what you put in, and he put in more than most.’

Bryan had a contagious smile and a warm heart that touched the lives of everyone he met. He will be deeply missed by his family and friends, but his legacy will live on through the lives he affected.

We have lost a truly remarkable Brother, but his spirit will remain among us through the memories we share.

Rest in peace Bryan.

Neil Armstrong.

Peter L Adamson

12th September 1951 - 14th June 2023

Hello everyone.

I have been asked to talk about my closest friend Pete and his involvement in Freemasonry.

I have had the privilege of knowing Peter for almost twenty-five years, we met through our masonry, and our friendship just carried on growing.

When I think about Pete and his masonry I think of one word ‘ joy ‘.

I know Pete got a lot of joy from what he did, and he was always supported in this by the love of his life, Janet.

Pete was a very proud mason, a Past Master of two Lodges in this city, and an excellent Almoner, I know this was a role he enjoyed because it is about caring for others.

I have been fortunate to see over the years the amount of joy Pete has given to others in our communities, through his constant commitment to caring for people in their time of need, showing understanding, compassion and humility.

If you look at his picture, you will see a lapel badge on Pete’s jacket; this badge represents a scheme within masonry, called Teddies for Loving Care, which is to support children when attending hospital, by giving them a teddy bear to help relieve their anxiety, this was a scheme Pete strongly believed in and supported.

It is about love and care, something which Pete gave to others in many ways, and i know through the years and the numerous projects Pete has been involved in, his contribution to helping people in their time of need and support in this city and beyond has been outstanding.

So i ask that when you are thinking about him, to honour his memory and consider doing what i think he would wish you to do, and that is in the words of his beloved Robins, to live, love, laugh, and be happy.

Bill Hartley


Paul Anthony Goldthorpe PPJGW

23rd March 1968 - 11th June 2023

Paul was taken from us too soon; he departed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 11th June 2023, aged just 55 years old. But his memory will live on in our hearts and minds.

Paul was a family man who loved his wife and daughter more than anything. He was always there for them, supporting them, encouraging them, and making them laugh. He was proud of their achievements and their dreams, and he did everything he could to help them reach their goals.
He was also a generous and compassionate person who put others first. He was always ready to lend a hand, a shoulder, or an ear to anyone who needed it.

He was a committed Freemason volunteering his time and skills not only at his Mother Lodge of Nelson of the Nile 264 in Batley, West Yorkshire but also in Kingston Lodge and Chapter.

He joined Kingston in 2005; later on in 2013 I placed him into the Chair, he went onto become MEZ of Kingston Chapter in 2022 and subsequently installed me as his successor in March this year.

Paul was a role model and a mentor to many, and inspired others with his kindness and optimism. He shared his Masonic enthusiasm with everyone he met, always making them feel special and appreciated.

A man who lived by his principles, he was humble and grateful for all the blessings in his life, and he never took anything for granted. He was a model of integrity and honesty, who always did the right thing, even when it was hard. He had the courage and strength to face his challenges with grace and dignity.

Paul’s enthusiastic sense of humour and infectious laugh brightened up any room; he was a man who left a lasting impression on everyone who knew him.

He touched many lives with his generosity, compassion, joy, and friendship.

Paul was a true Brother who will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.

Neil Armstrong